Whenever you should doubt your self worth, Remember the Lotus Flower, Even though it plunges to life from beneath the mud, it does not allow the dirt that surrounds it to affect its growth or beauty.
S. Kassem.
What to expect
The Practice is following the Governments National Guidelines, and looks forward to a return to face-to-face therapy, when it is safe to do so.Sessions are usually scheduled weekly. The day and time are usually agreed on at the beginning, when it looks possible for us to work together. It may be appropriate to be seen initially for 4-6 sessions, then review and continue, or stop at that point. This will depend on the issue being dealt with, and how you feel the sessions are progressing.
In general counselling is recommended for specific issues such as loss/grief and takes place over weeks to several months. Psychotherapy in contrast, tends to explore past issues that may be contributing to the present day problem. It can take place over several months to years. There is a great deal of overlap between the two types of therapy.
It is suggested that appointments be kept to a regular pattern. This helps to establish a sense of structure, continuity, and rhythm, which is beneficial to the therapeutic process. Should this not be possible for a client, flexibility, if appropriate, can be explored. It is suggested to highlight any anticipated changes e.g. due to working hours, or domestic arrangements, as early as possible.
A minimum of 24 hrs notice is required for cancellation.